Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant Exam


This exam guide is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant exam. This guide provides information about the target audience for the certification exam, recommended training and documentation, and a complete list of exam objectives—all with the intent of helping you achieve a passing score. Salesforce highly recommends a combination of on-the-job experience, course attendance, and self-study to maximize your chances of passing the exam.

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant program is designed for individuals who have experience configuring Marketing Cloud solutions. The candidate has proven experience with the administration and configuration of Marketing Cloud, as demonstrated through successful completion of the Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Administrator exam. This credential is targeted toward the Salesforce consultant or partner who has mastered the implementation of Marketing Cloud by demonstrating design best practices, executing deployment of campaigns, and finalizing custom solutions for customers. The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant is able to meet customer business requirements that are maintainable, scalable, and contribute to long-term customer success.

Exam Outline

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant exam measures a candidate’s knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience with administering and configuring the Marketing Cloud and demonstrate the knowledge and expertise in each of the areas below.

> Discovery and Architecture: 16%

> Integration: 20%

> Account Configuration: 12%

> Automation: 20%

> Data Modeling and Management: 21%

> Messaging: 11%

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