The Psychology of Humour. Learn what makes people laugh.

Enjoy the trip down giggle street



Laughter is a universal and powerful human experience that is contagious, uplifting, and brings people together. This course will explore the psychology of laughter, its benefits, types of humour, what makes things funny, and how to make people laugh.

Course Outline:

Part 1: The Psychology of Laughter

The benefits of laughter for mental and physical health

The science of laughter and how the brain responds to humor

The role of humour in human communication and social interaction

Bad Dad jokes

Interview with Comedian Terry Alderton

Part 2: Types of Humor

Observational humour

Wordplay and puns

Satire and sarcasm

Absurdity and surrealism

Part 3: What Makes Things Funny?

The incongruity theory of humour

The superiority theory of humour

Theory of benign violation

Theory of emotional relief

Part 4: How to Make People Laugh

Developing a sense of humour and finding your comedic style

Paying attention to your audience’s interests and sensitivities

Using surprise and unexpected twists

Timing and delivery

Telling jokes and using humour in conversation

Using humour in your presentations and public speaking

Laughter Yoga

Part 5: Psychoanalysis of Jokes

Introduction to Freud and Jokes

Chapter 1: Theories of Humour

Chapter 2: Freud’s Theory of Jokes

Chapter 3: The Function of Jokes

Chapter 4: The Structure of Jokes

Chapter 5: The Dark Side of Jokes

Chapter 6: Contemporary Theories of Humour



This course provides insights into the psychology of laughter, benefits, humour types, and what makes things funny, as well as practical tips on how to make people laugh. By learning how to use humour effectively, you can improve your social skills, communication, and personal relationships, and foster a more positive and fun-loving environment.

Who this course is for:

  • Everyone

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