DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Practice Test

Practice & Pass DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals

Prepare & Pass the Exam DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals.

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Candidates for this exam should have foundational knowledge of core data concepts and how they are implemented using Microsoft Azure data services.

This exam is intended for candidates beginning to work with data in the cloud.

Candidates should be familiar with the concepts of relational and non-relational data, and different types of data workloads such as transactional or analytical.

Azure Data Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based certifications like Azure Database Administrator Associate or Azure Data Engineer Associate, but it’s not a prerequisite for any of them.

Prove that you can describe the following: core data concepts; how to work with relational data on Azure; how to work with non-relational data on Azure; and an analytics workload on Azure.

All objectives of the exam are covered in depth so you’ll be ready for any question on the exam.

NOTE: Passing score: 700

Skills measured

  • Describe core data concepts (15-20%)
  • Describe how to work with relational data on Azure (25-30%)
  • Describe how to work with non-relational data on Azure (25-30%)
  • Describe an analytics workload on Azure (25-30%)

For beginner and intermediate IT professionals who work with data, the DP-900 is definitely worth it. If you’re a data analyst, junior data engineer, database administrator, even an app developer, the DP-900 will prove your competence navigating Azure’s features

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