AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 Practice Exams 2022

Be 100% ready to pass the certification exam full of confidence !


This credential helps organizations identify and develop talent with critical knowledge related to implementing cloud initiatives. Earning AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner validates cloud fluency and foundational AWS knowledge.

This AWS practice quiz consists of 65 questions with a mix of questions on core AWS services, including all services which are in AWS CCP level. Please note that, unlike the real AWS Cloud Practitioner exam, so you can take as much time as required to answer each question. At the end of the test, you get to review your answers . This will help you identify your strength and weaknesses.

We strongly believe in the value of practice exams that prepare you thoroughly for the real exam so that you get to pass first time with a great score. Please don’t feel discouraged if you score lower than expected in this sample exam. We have got you covered with our comprehensive AWS Training Resources that will ensure your exam success.

Assess your exam readiness with 6 sets of full-length practice tests (65 questions each) that reflect the difficulty of the Amazon Web Services exam questions and are the most similar to the real AWS exam experience available. Our exam simulator includes more than 390 unique practice questions that are timed and scored and the closest to the real AWS exam. With these popular Practice Tests, you’ll know when you are ready to pass your AWS Cloud Practitioner exam!

Who should take this exam?

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is intended for anyone who has basic knowledge of the AWS platform. Before taking this exam, we recommend you have:

  • Six months of exposure to the AWS Cloud
  • Basic understanding of IT services and their uses in the AWS Cloud platform
  • Knowledge of core AWS services and use cases, billing and pricing models, security concepts, and how cloud impacts your business

What does it take to earn this certification?

To earn this certification, you will need to take and pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam (CLF-C01). The exam features a combination of two question formats: multiple choice and multiple response. Additional information, such as a detailed exam content outline, is in the exam guide.

Test is according to the updated syllabus of AWS.

Who this course is for:

  • AWS Cloud Practitioner Students and candidates

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