YouTube Marketing: Grow Your Business with YouTube

YouTube Marketing: Grow Your Business with YouTube

Grow your brand & get more customers with real-world YouTube video marketing techniques: YouTube Ads, funnels, SEO+

What you’ll learn

  • Grow your own business & brand with YouTube
  • Learn real-world marketing funnels that can be set up with YouTube
  • Increase your revenue & get more customers with YouTube
  • Optimize your YouTube channel to get more views and conversions
  • Create YouTube Ad campaigns to promote your brand & products
  • Retarget you website visitors with YouTube ads
  • Place your video ads on competitor’s YouTube channels or specific videos
  • Make better videos with bonus video production lessons


  • You should have a YouTube channel (if you don’t, we’ll show you how to do it in the course)
  • You should have a Google Adwords account (so you can follow along with the YouTube Advertising section)

Who this course is for:

  • YouTubers looking grow their own brand and business
  • Businesses wanting to grow their brand and increase revenue with YouTube
  • Marketers who want to learn how to do modern video marketing on YouTube
  • Small businesses, online teachers, side hustlers, e-commerce businesses, and anyone else who wants to grow their business with YouTube
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