Translation happens Automatically – Using Amazon Translate

Translation happens Automatically – Using Amazon Translate

Automatically Translate 100s of Files:[Text, Word, PPT, Excel, HTML] With Few Simple Clicks Using – Amazon Translate NMT

What you’ll learn

  • You will learn how you can use Amazon Translate to Automatically translate text from one language to another.
  • You will learn how you can customize the translation output using Custom Terminology and Parallel data.
  • You will learn how to Automatically translate text in real-time or using batch translation mode.
  • You will learn how to translate bulk of text files, word document files, excel files, ppt files and html files from one language to another.
  • You will get an overview of how you can do Audio-to-Audio and Video-to-Video Translation in multiple languages automatically using human like voices.
  • You will learn how you can automatically Translate your WordPress Web Pages / Posts in multiple languages automatically using AWS Plugin for WordPress.
  • You will learn how you can automatically give Voice to the written content on your WordPress Web Pages / Posts using AWS Plugin for WordPress.
  • You will be able to handle Amazon Translate independently for your personal usage and for your clients.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to translate their online content in multiple languages to attract global audience must attend this course!
  • You might be a freelancer, translator or a gig owner, this course will help you speed up the manual translation process and lower down the overall cost of your projects.
  • Do you want to read the articles, eBooks of your favorite author who writes in another language, than you can easily translate it in the language of your choice to personally read through it.
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