Java Certification : OCP : Oracle Certified Pro Exam [2020]

Java Certification : OCP : Oracle Certified Pro Exam [2020]

Practice Java Certification : OCP : Oracle Certified Professional for java. best tests to get certification OCP
What you’ll learn

  • Practice Oracle Certified Professional for Java

  • Create a Java desktop application

  • Using Java 8 and 11 streams and functional programming
  • A basic knowledge of Java
  • A Computer / Laptop / Mobile / Tablet

I know higher income, better Job prospect and a better chance of promotion is at the top of the benefits of becoming Java certified, but this certification gives more value than that.

Well, getting Java accredited and recognized is always good for your knowledge, career, and confidence, but it is even more important for beginners and junior Java developers, who have just started their career. They are the one who needs something extra, apart from their regular computer science degree to impress the prospective employer and get an edge over other candidates.

There are many benefits and reasons for why Java certifications like SCJP, also known as OCP is useful for Java programmers, and everybody has their reasons for getting certified.

I think the following 8 reasons make sense why should you become a Java approved professional:

There are many reasons why I should get Java certification and become Oracle certified Java professional, and I am satisfied with the long-term value it adds to your career, knowledge, and personality, and I hope some of these reasons will also help you to see the amount of becoming Java certified.

I know everybody has their reason to go for Oracle certification, but better salary, more job opportunities, and recognition top the list.

1) Hiring Preference

Many government organizations and consultancy companies who work in government projects value Java certification profoundly. Not every Job says that Java certification is a must, but there are indeed few jobs out there, who prefer a certified Java developer than the non-certified one. By passing Java certifications like OCA or OCP with good marks, a fresher enhances his chances of getting called from these companies.

2) Confidence Boost

Java certifications give your confidence a huge lift. Even without meaningful real-life Java programming experience, you will feel that you know Java much better, this reflects in your interview and there it matter most. I have seen a certified Java programmer performs a lot better on core Java questions than average programmers. They are also perfect to answer those fact-based tricky questions, about which you do not have any clue. This gain confidence not only serves to clear interviews but also to negotiate and demand better offers. Companies also recognize talent, and they have reasons to offer you more.

3) Value to Resume

Java Certification looks very good on the resume. Especially if you do not have outstanding academic records or something on extracurricular which stands out, go for Java certification. This will fill your gaps in the resume. It also sometimes acts as a filtering criterion. A hiring manager with 100 resumes from freshers and junior Java developers has only limited time to conduct interviews. He will undoubtedly call the first 10 of them who have either outstanding academic records or Java certifications on their resume.

4) Better Salary

Though it’s not guaranteed, I have found that Java certified professionals often get a better salary and package then Java developers with the same skill set but not confirmed. One reason for this could be that employers value a Java Certified professional more than those who are not. Which is true, some companies especially mention that they will hire only Oracle Certified Professional. Another reason for the better package of certified Java professionals can be attributed to confidence and negotiation power they achieved by doing well in Java certification. Once you are certified with the 90+ score, you automatically feel confidence in yourselves, which reflects when you interview and negotiate.

5) Java is free

You do not have to pay anything to make Java application. This free thing helped Java to end up famous among individual developers, and among expansive associations.

6) Reimbursement from Employer

Many excellent organizations, start-ups support their employees to improve their technical and soft skills. It’s a win-win for both company and candidate if he raises himself, that’s why many companies pay for your certification cost, which sometimes includes the cost of OCPJP and cost of buying some courses or books. If your employer has such gains, you must take advantage of that. In fact, this extra motivation, encourage many Java programmer to become Oracle Certified professional. By the way, it’s worth remembering that, usually you have to work for a minimum of 6 months for the same company if they pay for your Java certification. If you leave the company, most likely they will deduct the paid money from your salary. So take note of that. It’s best to go for Java certification as early as possible to reap maximum benefit.

7) JAVA has rich API

Java gives API to systems administration, I/O, XML parsing, utilities, database association, and nearly everything. Whatever left is secured by open source libraries like Apache Commons, Google Guava, and others.

8) Recognition in Team

One more reason, why you should get Java certified is to enhance your position in the team. I have experienced that, passing SCJP in the past and OCP nowadays with a good score improves your impression in the group. People recognize your Java skills more than before and develop a high regard for your Java knowledge. This is useful, it not only help you to make a good friend, and increase your networking circle. If you participate in Java groups, then becoming Java certified also improves your position among your circle.

Who this course is for:
  • All level java developers

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