Full web bundle 2022 Build 2 websites Learn dart for flutter

In this course you will be able to learn how to develop 2 high paying websites and also learn dart programming language

Build crypto mining investment website using laravel PHP

Build investment website using wordpress

Learn Dart programming language

Learn to deploy online

In this lecture i will be teaching you guys on how to achieve 3 successful programs.

-You will build a successful Investment website using WordPress

– You will build a successful Tron crypto website using Laravel powered by PHP

– You will learn how to start programming using dart programming language.

You will build a successful Investment website using WordPress

I will start by taking you on a step by step guide on how to install WordPress locally, how to choose the right theme, how to design a nice home page, how to implement a nice prizing table.

You will also learn the usefulness of few underrated WordPress plugins,

i combined up to 6 plugins to achieve this.

regarding to the frontend, i used free elementor plugin to run the customization.

each and every bit of the step i followed, i recorded it, so you dont miss any part of the process.

About the Website:

I made this course to teach both beginners and experts on the usefulness of WordPress plugins, how yo can use them to achieve many things.

Plugins i used.

1. Woocommerce

2. user menu

3. paid membership pro

4. wpforms

5. weforms

6. indeed affiliate pro

7. Direct checkout

and few others.

Note that there is nothing like theme & plugin conflicts, i made research on each plugin i used during this tutorial.

i covered everything you need to know about WordPress including WordPress short codes.

And finally you will learn how to deploy the website online using any web hosting of your choice.

You will build a successful Tron crypto website using Laravel powered by PHP

in this Section, i made a full one hour lectures teaching you guys how to build a tron mining website, it took me two weeks plus to finish writing all the codes using laravel framework.

and i have made it easy for every one by including all the necessary files in each lecture. You don’t need a coding experience in other to achieve this lesson.

You can create a user account to explore the users dashboard and areas.


– User be able to register using their tron wallet address.

– Automated withdrawal process

-Automated deposits confirmation

-Password recovery

-Affiliate program

-Unique dashboard for admin

-Unique dashboard for users

and many more.

Guaranteed money back by udemy. if you did not find our course interesting and wants your money back.

The instructor is 99.9% active to answer any queries from the students.

Instructor can be contacted for questioning using the chat feature udemy provided, I’m ready to answer and solve any related problems you may encounter here.

Thank you very much as you patronize us.

About me.

i am Frank Wilson

i am a php, html, flutter, dart, programmer.

i have the following frameworks experience such as:




and more, with over  years of experience in full stack web development.

You will learn how to start programming using dart programming language.

Learn Dart programming language 2022 updated

You will learn how to code using dart programming language for flutter based.

In this course I covered all the basics requirements that is needed as a beginner in flutter, dart happens to be one of the most easiest language to learn when it comes to my teaching,

If you are into flutter or you are planning as a beginner in flutter, one this is sure, you must have an experience in dart programming language or at least any other programming language.

I covered the most used variables and datatypes in flutter to make it easy for beginners to understand.

This is not just a course for beginners, it is a course for all levels in programming. Just give this course a try and thank me later.

In addition I have a platform the gathers all students together for easy problem solving, you will not want to miss this course.

And i am dedicated in answering all dart and flutter related questions.

i am a jovial instructor who was once a student, so in this case I have been in your shoes as a student, that is why I am kind to students questions.

Good luck dear.

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