CompTIA JK0-017 E2C Project+ Certification Practice Exam

CompTIA JK0-017 E2C Project+ Certification Practice Exam

Attend this CompTIA JK0-017 E2C Project+ Certification Practice Exam will get a Good Score 80% on Main Exam
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  • Strong Knowledge on CompTIA JK0-017 E2C Project+ Certification
  • Any one who want to do CompTIA JK0-017 E2C Project+ Certification Practice Exam

Sample Questions

Q) The project is completing a project schedule network graph using fictitious events, to show all logical relationships. Which of the following tools using the project?

a) ADM

b) WBS

c) AON

d) DPM

e) None

Q) Which of the following would be helpful to preserve the relationship of the draft in the city center?

a) It provides an opportunity for another project to examine the relationship and make corrections.

b) Enables team members to review their contributions

c) Provide a different project the opportunity to be informed about the project.

d) It gives interested parties the opportunity to make changes in the form of a change request.

e) None

Q) The project suddenly stops before the end. Which of the following will use the project manager to document information about the project ends?

a) bar chart

b) autopsy


d) Project Scope Statement

e) None

Q) Which of the following is a method of determining the critical path of the project?

a) Determine BAC project and the AU after completion; difference calculation.

b) Examine the project plan and identify the two most important steps: and then calculate the total time of the outbreak of a milestone at the end of the second.

c) Examine the project plan and place all the scheduled tasks on the timeline, regardless of whether they are carried out in parallel. Then calculate the total time required.

d) Examine the project plan and to calculate the total time required for all planned activities from the very beginning of the project before the closure, with zero float.

e) None

Who this course is for:
  • Those who want to get knowledge on Certification & Check your Skill Test while attend this Practice Test

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