CISSP Assets Security Certified Practice Exam

CISSP Assets Security Certified Practice Exam

Attend this CISSP Assets Security Certified Practice Exam will get a Good Score 80% on Main Exam
What you’ll learn

  • Strong Knowledge on CISSP Assets Security
  • Any one who want to do CISSP Assets Security Certified Practice Exam

Sample Questions

Q) Which of the following is not a real part of the media management Viability?

a) Storage

b) Letter

c) appeal

d) marking

e) None

Q) Demagnetization is used to clear the data from all these media, with the exception of

a) discs

b) Read-only media

c) videocassette

d) magnetic hard drives

e) None

Q) Which of the following is not a media control vital force is used to protect the viability of storage media?

a) clearing

b) marking

c) appeal

d) storage

e) None

Q) Electrical device (AC or DC), which can generate a magnetic coercive force in order to reduce the magnetic flux density to zero in storage or other magnetic media, called:

a) a magnetic field.

b) degausser

c) Magnetic remanence.

d) magnetic saturation.

e) None

Who this course is for:
  • Those who want to get knowledge on Certification & Check your Skill Test while attend this Practice Test

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