AZ-900 : Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Tests

AZ-900 : Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam with pre-exam practice tests | Includes latest questions with expl. 2021 |

Microsoft AZ-900 Practice Tests

Testing exam skills under real exam simulation.

Anyone who are preparing for the AZ-900

Anyone who wants to test their knowledge in Microsoft Azure

This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.

This course will give you lots of practice tests on all topics covered in the AZ-900 exam

Hit the Enroll Button now and pass your AZ-900 certification exam on your first attempt.

Microsoft’s AZ900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam is one of the way to prove that you have a deep and thorough understanding & experience in Microsoft Azure. As you may aware, employers always look for latest certifications in the resume while filing up vacancies.

Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Official Exam Outline:

  • Describe Cloud Concepts (20-25%)

    Identify the benefits and considerations of using cloud services

    Describe the differences between categories of cloud services

    Describe the differences between types of cloud computing

  • Describe Core Azure Services (15-20%)

    Describe the core Azure architectural components

    Describe core resources available in Azure

  • Describe core solutions and management tools on Azure (10-15%)

    Describe core solutions available in Azure

    Describe Azure management tools

  • Describe general security and network security features (10-15%)

    Describe Azure security features

    Describe Azure network security

  • Describe identity, governance, privacy, and compliance features (20- 25%)

    Describe core Azure identity services

    Describe Azure governance features

    Describe privacy and compliance resources

  • Describe Azure cost management and Service Level Agreements (10- 15%)

    Describe methods for planning and managing costs

    Describe Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and service lifecycles

pass the AZ900 exam you must know the theory very well but also have high level hands-on skills. The element most students forget it drilling their knowledge with a ton of practice exams. Practice exams help you learn to apply theory to questions as well as expose weak areas in your knowledge.

The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics.

Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.

Best of luck!

Official exam information:

  • Cost of exam: USD 99 (It depends on your country)
  • Test taking options: Online / Local test center
  • Time to complete: 60 mins
  • Total number of questions asked: 40-60
  • Total Marks: 1000
  • Passing Score: 700
  • Question types: Multiple-choice, Drag and Drop and Hot area.

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